Cookie Policy


Cookie Policy

What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files which are downloaded on your device when you visit a website or an app. Alongside cookies, we may use other tracking technologies such as web beacons, tags, or pixels (tiny graphic images placed on a web page, which indicate that such page has been viewed), In this paragraph, cookies and other tracking technologies will be generally referred to as “cookies”.

Cookies allow websites to recognize users’ devices and to store information about the content users view and interact with, and therefore provide them with a customized experience (for instance, remember preferences and settings).

Cookies can be divided into different categories:

Depending on their operator:

  • First-party cookies are placed by BLIP team on our websites;
  • Third-party cookies are operated on our websites or apps by external providers, such as advertising partners, security providers and social media partners.

Depending on their duration:

  • Session cookies: cookies that are automatically deleted when you close your browser.
  • Persistent cookies: cookies that are automatically deleted after a set duration that can vary depending on the cookie. You can delete cookies in your browser security settings at any time.

List of cookies that made our website works




Cookies Category


Help keep this site secure by preventing cross-sit request forgery (CSRF) attacks

When you close the browser

Strictly Necessary 


To record last page which navigate in CMS admin module

When you close the browser

Strictly Necessary

__orchantiforgery_((random key))

Help keep this site secure by preventing cross-sit request forgery (CSRF) attacks

When you close the browser

Strictly Necessary 


To keep user login session

When you close the browser

Strictly Necessary 


To record the cookie allowed

1 year

Strictly Necessary 




Cookie management in your browser

You can adjust the settings on your computer to reject cookies if you wish. This is usually managed within the "settings" section of your browser. For more information, please read the advice available at