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Frequently Asked Question

Changes to Cover

You can add cover on the My Coverage page at any time during the Policy Period. The cover you add will expire at the same time as your original purchase. The premium you will be charged for the additional cover will be pro-rata based on when you added the cover.
You can add a cover mid term through the My Coverage Page of the website
You can only increase or add cover, you can not delete or reduce cover, however you can cancel your policy at anytime by giving 30 days notice or within 14 days of purchase with no notice.
All cover expire on the same date as the original policy issued and all premium for additional covers or increases in limit is prorate
This can be increased from £1m to £2m or £5m
You can add cover or increase cover up to £20,000 in £500 increments
Can add cover based on 3 benefit levels see website for details.
Unfortunately we only offer £5m cover in accordance with the legal requirement


You can make a claim through the website or by calling 0800 368 6958
Please call 0800 368 6958 or check your claim at the My Coverage page
Yes, blip handles your claims. We also use the services of McLarens as the third party administrator

Coverage Questions

If it is just you employed in the business, you do not need this cover. If you bring people into work for you during the course of the year, employee liability cover is a legal requirement.
Public Liability cover your business if someone claims you caused injury or damage and includes any costs you may incur.
Employers Liability, protects you if an employee makes a claim against you for a work-related injury or illness. If you have employees, this cover is a legal requirement
This is an inclusive package cover where Public Liability is the main cover and you have options to add Employer Liability, Business Equipment and Personal Accident.
Yes, your policy covers you for liability as a result of a defective product.
Yes, but there is a list of high hazard activities that are not covered:

i) racing, competitions, rallies, or trials on wheels or on horseback

ii) hang-gliding, parachuting, parascending, paragliding, or bungee jumping

iii) mountaineering, rock climbing, potholing, caving, or white-water rafting

iv) diving underwater involving the use of breathing apparatus

v) off-piste skiing, sleighing, or snowboarding.

We do not offer any enhanced cover, you would have to go to a specialist supplier
No we do not cover pre-exiting conditions in the last 2 years.
An excess period of 7 days applied before the weekly benefit is paid
The PA Protect your business if you or a member of your team suffers an accident or injury 24/7. Benefits are paid to the company and include a weekly sum for TTD
You have the choice of three benefit covers with weekly benefits
All Covers exclude communicable diseases
We can not give advise on the level of cover you may require, as you are best placed to understand your business. A general description of the covers we offer is available on our website, and our policy limits we can offer are:

PL - £1m, £2m or £5m

EL - £5m

BE - up to £20k

PA - See below for benefit schedule

  • We offer Public Liability Insurance with a £1m policy limit. This is our basic cover and limit.
  • You can increase the limit to either £2m or £5m.
  • If you have employees it is a legal requirements that you have Employers Liability Insurance with a £5m limit. You can add this cover to your public liability policy.
  • You can insure your business equipment including tools for up to £20,000
  • You can add Personal Accident cover in 3 benefit tiers (see below)
Yes there are exclusions and conditions within the blip cover. We will send you a copy of our Insurance Product Information Documents (IPID) and a sample Policy which clearly show these.


You're policy information would have been sent to the email you provided, please check your inbox and junk mail. You can also get your policy information at on the My coverage Page where you can also correct your email address if this is wrong
If you have purchase a policy, please go to My Coverage > Amend > Contact details


No, we have underwriting authority from an insurer and administer your policy on their behalf. We operate as an Appointed Representative of Pro MGA who are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority
The insurer is Wakam S.A who are authorised and regulated by the Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel et de Résolution in France and by the Prudential Regulation Authority and the Financial Conduct Authority in the UK. P

Policy Cancellation

Your policy can be cancelled on the My Coverage page on the website You have to give 30 days notice if you are outside of the 14 day cooling of period.
You will receive a pro rata return of any premium paid based on the date of cancellation. If you cancel on-line using the My Coverage page at there is no administrative charge, if you cancel by telephone, or email there is a £20 administration fee.

If you have made a claim, your right to a pro rata return premium is on not effected

Yes you can cancel your policy and it will not change the return premium you are due or your claim.
You have a statutory right to cancel this insurance within 14 days of purchase. If you do so the cover will cease from the day you cancel. We will refund part of the premium paid, proportionate to the unexpired period of insurance following cancellation.
You can cancel within 14 days with no notice and with 30 days’ notice thereafter. You will receive a pro rata return of any premium paid based on the date of cancellation

Profit Share

Put simply, blip calculates the total amount of premium paid by policyholders, takes away underwriting and claims costs and expenses, and then shares the resulting profit with current policy holders.


  1. The profit share will be calculated every 12 months based on the total premium paid, and after deductions for the costs of underwriting and running blip.
  2. What happens if there is a loss rather than a profit?
    • You only share in the upside not the downside
    • The underwriters carry the risk
  3. Your share in the profit will not be affected if you have made a claim
  4. Profits will be declared approximately 4-6 months after the financial year ends.
  5. Profits are allocated on a pro rata basis linked to the number of days a policy has been in place during the relevant financial year.
  6. That policy or a renewal of it must be still current
Profits will be declared approximately 4-6 months after the financial year ends.


Please contact us at
Your quote is valid for 30 days and you can revisit at anytime via at anytime during this period. After this it will be deleted and you will have to get a new quote.
The business activities shown on the website are based on Standard Industry Classifications, if you let us know what you do we will try to find the correct classification for you.
A definitions are included on the website, but basically:

Sole Trader

A self-employed individual who chooses to conduct business as an individual and does not have any partners or shareholders.

Limited Company

An organization that is set up in order to run your business and is registered with Companies House. The finances used to run the company are separated from your personal finances.


A partnership is when two or more individuals enter into business together with the intent to share the profits generated by their work.
Sorry, it appears your revenue is too high for us to cover you, Blip defines small businesses as having less than £500,000 turnover.
No, VAT is a valued added tax and therefore payable to HMRC and not part of your turnover.
No ,turnover is the amount of business income you receive, excluding VAT and before any expenses are deducted for the business.
If you are the only employee, you do not need Employers Liability Cover.
Yes you are included in the number of people that work in your business
IPT is an Insurance Premium Tax and is currently 12% and is added to your premium and then paid to HMRC
  • You can either make a one off payment or you can pay over 10 instalments. If you pay in instalments the premium will increase and there is an extra charge for collecting your premium.
Paying by instalments incurs more administrative costs and a higher rate from the insurer as the premium is not all paid in one go.
Many products may be different and we can not comment on other insurers premiums or coverages. Our business model is based on a fair price, good value (including community benefits) and a return i.e. a Profit Share.
We look at your claims in the last 5 years and your premium does increase depending on the number of claims
Comparison sites charge a fee, which adds to the costs of your premium.
  • You can either make a one off payment or you can pay over 10 instalments.
  • If you pay in instalments the premium will increase and there is an extra charge for collecting your premium.
No, you can only amend your policy on the telephone. All policies are sold throughout website We can take you through the website application process if you would like?

Referral Credits

They will be show shortly after a successful policy referral.
There are regulatory restrictions on how many members you can refer.


You will be sent a renewal quote and a link for you to update your information if anything has changes or you want to change your cover.
This dependants on the insurance company rates, your circumstances (if they have changed) and your claims record. We can not change the premium provided through the website.
Yes, assuming your circumstances are the same as a new customer you should be offered the same premium terms.

Website Problems

You can reset your password by going to Login and clinking the "Forgot password?" link and then "Reset Password"
If you have type in your email address during the quote journey, please check your mailbox for an email from We have sent you an email with a link for you to continue your quote journey.
Please open this link and enter your username.
Please open this link and enter your username.

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